This online training course is a high level introduction to Python, a dynamic language popular for web development, IT security, big data, science, and scripting. This Python online training course covers setting up your computer to utilize Python, creating programs, string operations, tuple operations, input and output collection and manipulation, connecting to a database and executing queries, Python threading, and more!
Skills Learned
After completing this online training course, students will be able to:
Setting up a computer to utilize the Python technology
Create programs and learn various syntactical rules
How to assign variable values and about the different types of variables that Python supports
Various string operations
List operations
Tuple operations
Available operations for dealing with numbers in Python
Pythonic operators
How to use if statements to execute code conditionally
Using and controlling standard looping ability in Python
Use of the dictionary data structure
Time manipulation and formatting
Define, use, and return functions
Python modules in your application
Input/Output collection and manipulation
Defining, raising and handling exceptions
Classing and object oriented terminology
Regular expressions matching and searching
Types of sockets and their respective options
Python threading and how to use it in code
GUI abilities, specifically the provided tkInter
This online training course is for anyone looking to get a base of Python knowledge and begin their journey into development.
01. Introduction
- What is Python?
- Where can Python be used?
- What this course offers
02. Installing and Configuring Python
- Python 2 or Python 3
- Installing Python
- Adding Python to the PATH
- Python in Interactive mode (terminal)
03. Hello World!
- Hello World program in python command line
- Basic syntax rules
- Saving program to a file, and executing with python
04. Variables
- Variable Assignments
- Legal and Illegal variable naming conventions.
05. Data Types
- Strings
- Integers
- Float
- Boolean
06. Checking Datatypes
- Type function
07. Strings
- Accessing string values
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Formating strings
- Format method
- Changing strings
- Type function
- String specific operators
- Concatenation
- Built-in string methods
- Index()
- Isupper()
- Islower()
- User Input
08. Lists
- Creating lists
- Similar to creating variables
- Accessing list values
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Appending to lists
- Append()
- Accessing list values
- Indexing
- Matrixes
- List of lists
09. Tuples
- Creating tuples
- Accessing tuple values
- Updating tuples
- Removing elements
- Tuple operations
- Built-in methods
- Difference between tuples & list
- Why use tuple in place of a list?
10. Sets
- Add
- Remove
- Type
11. Basic Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Comparison
- Assignment operators
- Logical operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
12. Conditional Flow
- How the concept of Boolean applies to Conditionals
- Single if statements
- Flowchart for simple if statement
- Nested if statements
- Flowchart of nested conditional
13. Loops
- For loops
- While loops
- Nesting loops
14. Control Statements
- Continue
- Break
- Pass
15. Exercises
- Calculator app
16. Dictionaries
- User input
- Construction of Dictionaries
- Curly braces
- Creating a dictionary
- Why dictionaries and not tuples and lists
- Speed
- Changing dictionary elements
- Update method
- Removing dictionary elements
- Del statement
- Pop method
- Key properties
- More than one entry per key not allowed
- Keys are immutable
- Keys are cases sensitive
- Built-in functions and methods
17. Functions
- Defining a function
- Def
- Calling a function
- Function()
- Arguments: Reference vs Value
- Keyword Arguments.
- Default Arguments
- Anonymous functions
- Lambda functions
- Return keyword
- Variable scopes (Global/Local)
- Range() Function
- Functions Exercises
18. Modules
- What is a module
- Importing a module
- Module location
19. Date and Time
- The time module
- The calendar module
- TimeTuple
- Getting current time
- Getting formatted time
20. Input Output
- Print to the screen
- Gathering keyboard input
- Reading and writing files
21. Exceptions
- Standard exceptions
- Raising an exception
- Catching and handling exceptions
- Defining custom exceptions
22. Classes and Objects
- Syntax
- OOP Terminology
- Creating classes
- Instance objects
- Garbage Collection
- Inheritance
- Parent class
- Child class
- Overrides
23. GUI
- GUI concepts
- Popular GUI libraries and toolkits
- Tkinter
- Build a GUI
24. Capstone Project: Building a Complete App
Skills Learned
After completing this online training course, students will be able to:
Setting up a computer to utilize the Python technology
Create programs and learn various syntactical rules
How to assign variable values and about the different types of variables that Python supports
Various string operations
List operations
Tuple operations
Available operations for dealing with numbers in Python
Pythonic operators
How to use if statements to execute code conditionally
Using and controlling standard looping ability in Python
Use of the dictionary data structure
Time manipulation and formatting
Define, use, and return functions
Python modules in your application
Input/Output collection and manipulation
Defining, raising and handling exceptions
Classing and object oriented terminology
Regular expressions matching and searching
Types of sockets and their respective options
Python threading and how to use it in code
GUI abilities, specifically the provided tkInter
This online training course is for anyone looking to get a base of Python knowledge and begin their journey into development.
01. Introduction
- What is Python?
- Where can Python be used?
- What this course offers
02. Installing and Configuring Python
- Python 2 or Python 3
- Installing Python
- Adding Python to the PATH
- Python in Interactive mode (terminal)
03. Hello World!
- Hello World program in python command line
- Basic syntax rules
- Saving program to a file, and executing with python
04. Variables
- Variable Assignments
- Legal and Illegal variable naming conventions.
05. Data Types
- Strings
- Integers
- Float
- Boolean
06. Checking Datatypes
- Type function
07. Strings
- Accessing string values
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Formating strings
- Format method
- Changing strings
- Type function
- String specific operators
- Concatenation
- Built-in string methods
- Index()
- Isupper()
- Islower()
- User Input
08. Lists
- Creating lists
- Similar to creating variables
- Accessing list values
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Appending to lists
- Append()
- Accessing list values
- Indexing
- Matrixes
- List of lists
09. Tuples
- Creating tuples
- Accessing tuple values
- Updating tuples
- Removing elements
- Tuple operations
- Built-in methods
- Difference between tuples & list
- Why use tuple in place of a list?
10. Sets
- Add
- Remove
- Type
11. Basic Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Comparison
- Assignment operators
- Logical operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
12. Conditional Flow
- How the concept of Boolean applies to Conditionals
- Single if statements
- Flowchart for simple if statement
- Nested if statements
- Flowchart of nested conditional
13. Loops
- For loops
- While loops
- Nesting loops
14. Control Statements
- Continue
- Break
- Pass
15. Exercises
- Calculator app
16. Dictionaries
- User input
- Construction of Dictionaries
- Curly braces
- Creating a dictionary
- Why dictionaries and not tuples and lists
- Speed
- Changing dictionary elements
- Update method
- Removing dictionary elements
- Del statement
- Pop method
- Key properties
- More than one entry per key not allowed
- Keys are immutable
- Keys are cases sensitive
- Built-in functions and methods
17. Functions
- Defining a function
- Def
- Calling a function
- Function()
- Arguments: Reference vs Value
- Keyword Arguments.
- Default Arguments
- Anonymous functions
- Lambda functions
- Return keyword
- Variable scopes (Global/Local)
- Range() Function
- Functions Exercises
18. Modules
- What is a module
- Importing a module
- Module location
19. Date and Time
- The time module
- The calendar module
- TimeTuple
- Getting current time
- Getting formatted time
20. Input Output
- Print to the screen
- Gathering keyboard input
- Reading and writing files
21. Exceptions
- Standard exceptions
- Raising an exception
- Catching and handling exceptions
- Defining custom exceptions
22. Classes and Objects
- Syntax
- OOP Terminology
- Creating classes
- Instance objects
- Garbage Collection
- Inheritance
- Parent class
- Child class
- Overrides
23. GUI
- GUI concepts
- Popular GUI libraries and toolkits
- Tkinter
- Build a GUI
24. Capstone Project: Building a Complete App